cleosorlando Finest Women on Orange Blossom Trail 💋 Thursday - Sunday: 9PM - 2AM 21+ Book VIP 🔗⬇️ Cleo’s don’t miss—drinks stay strong, vibes Cleo’s stay bringin’ the vibes—strong drinks 🔥❄ Frost and Fire Party at Cleo's Gentlemen's 🚨CLEO’S TONIGHT🚨 good vibes, strong drinks Cleo’s poppin’ tonight 🍾 crazy energy, and 🔥 Tonight at Cleo’s catch a vibe, and own the 🎉 GAME NIGHT AFTER PARTY AT CLEO’S! 🎉 The Tonight! light up the night at Cleo’s! 🔥 big energy, g Join the money team! Let’s goooooo We'll be closed on Wednesday and Thursday nights f Tonight! Instagram post 18345618511193530 Get the bag! Instagram post 18065361202682052 🚨 BRB! 🚨 We’re temporarily closed this eve Classic Weekend is rolling up and we are getting r Load More Follow on Instagram